Botox Injections



In an effort to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, many people are turning to Botox Cosmetic. The cosmetic form of botulinum toxin, simply called Botox, is a popular non-surgical injection that temporarily reduces or eliminates frown lines, forehead creases, crow’s feet near the eyes and thick bands in the neck. The toxin blocks the nerve impulses, temporarily paralyzing the muscles that cause wrinkles while giving the skin a smoother, more refreshed appearance.

Is it right for me?
Botox has been used to treat adults of all ages. Though the results have been excellent in all age groups, they are most dramatic in those with minimal signs of aging. It is recommended for patients who:
• Have neck or facial wrinkles
• Are in good physical condition
• Are motivated to improve their appearance
• Have realistic expectations
• Don't drink, smoke, or use recreational drugs

Side Effects
There are very few side effects associated with Botox injections. Small bruises or red marks at the sites of the injection may appear but usually fade within a few days. Mild headaches and nausea, though rare, have been reported by patients who receive forehead injections. Some injections can cause mild muscle aches. It is also possible for an adjoining muscle to experience weakness, although this is usually temporary (one to three weeks).

Swelling, though rare, may occur in the area around the injection. If the swelling lasts more than a few hours, simple massage should help reduce it. (Caution: Do not massage the area in the hours immediately following your injection, since this could cause the toxin to spread to adjacent muscles).

After the treatment, you should refrain from bending over or from vigorous activities for several hours to prevent the toxin from moving to an unwanted area. In rare cases, Botox injections around the eye area can cause the eyelid to droop, though this will wear off in two or three weeks. It is even more rare, but possible, for injections in the neck muscles to cause difficulty swallowing. Be sure to discuss all the possible side effects with your Medtour360 doctor before beginning treatment.

Preparation before the Botox Injections Procedure
Good communication between you and your Medtour360 specialist will yield the best results. Discuss any concerns with the doctor before the procedure. List all medical conditions you have and any medications you are currently taking, in particular if you are taking an anti-inflammatory like Aspirin as this can lead to increased bruising. Be sure to discuss any food, drug, or other allergies.

Your Medtour360 dermatologist might have you apply ice to the area a few minutes before treatment. This is for two reasons: it causes the vessels in the skin to constrict which helps reduce bruising, and it helps decrease the small amount of pain associated with multiple injections. Ice can be beneficial for the same reasons after the treatment.

Once seated upright, the doctor will have you contract the muscle in the area being treated so that he or she can better target the injection into the muscle. Thus, if you're receiving injections for wrinkles between the eyes, you will be asked to frown. For some procedures, the doctor may use an electromyelogram - a devise that helps your doctor locate the area of the muscles greatest contraction. Using this devise helps ensure that you will receive the right amount of toxin in the right place.

On average, you'll receive three injections per muscle (depending on the area being treated, more or less injections may be needed). With each injection you will feel a needle prick, then a mild stinging or burning for a few seconds as the toxin flows in to the muscle. Again, depending on the area being treated, you may be asked to gently press a gauze pad against the injection site and/or hold to it for a few minutes.

The whole process takes about ten minutes to half an hour, depending on the number of areas being treated. As soon as the series of injections is completed, you can go back to your regular activities. As stated above, the doctor will probably ask you to refrain from bending or laying down for approximately four hours after the injections until the toxin has had time to attach to the nerve-muscle connection. You will be asked not to rub the area in order to prevent the toxin from spreading to adjacent muscles.

Recovery Time
The doctor will ask you to hold an Ice pack to the treated area for a few minutes after the treatment. This helps minimize bruising and discomfort resulting from the injections. It will also help keep the Botox within in the injected areas. Botox usually takes two to four days or even a week to have its full effect. You might be asked to return after two weeks so that your doctor can evaluate the results of the treatment, although you probably will not need to see the doctor until it is time for your next injections. If you feel the Botox injections has not worked sufficiently, if you notice unevenness of eyebrows or other areas, or if your eyebrow is drooping, phone your Medtour360 specialist and request a follow up appointment.

How Long Does Botox Injections Last?
“Depending on the area being treated, one series of injections generally lasts three to six months, though in some cases the improved appearance can last up to a year. As the toxin wears off, your wrinkles will gradually return, but they won't be any worse than before the treatment. With repeated injections, the effects generally tend to last longer. There is some evidence that after prolonged treatment the affected muscles may become permanently weakened, so fewer treatments will be needed." (Lautin p. 60)



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